Dragons, Part 4
Who rids us of dragons? Heroes!
Who doesn't rid us of dragons? Everyone else!
Who wants to volunteer to be a hero? No one!
Dragons, Part 4
The Pre-Holiday Blog Post: The 2020 Edition
Breaking News: And Now For Something Completely Different
In and Out of Nests: Another Metaphor
Finding Gold in Unlikely Places
Emerging Leaders and Our Congregations
Fear, Perspectives, and Unsticking Thinking
Happy Pentecost, 2020
Gifts, Tools, & the Church
Innovation is Exciting!
Bringing Easter Home: A Reflection for the Laity
Take Five to Thrive
An Ode to Communications Workers
The Path of the Cross
The Burying Club
Parable of the Farmstead
What is your Point B?
Small Church vs. Shrinking Mainline Church