Transparent pricing. No hidden costs.
If use our Closing, Not Quitting services, I provide imaginative financing. You can afford to be church!
Several options are available:
A loan or contribution from your denomination
A loan or line of credit from your bank
A payment plan that we agree upon
It is most likely that your Closing, Not Quitting congregation will be looking for a payment plan with Grow+Small Church Consulting, but it never hurts to examine the first two options.
Grow+Small Church Consulting Payment Plan
Assessment is required. Start here.
Payments will be calculated based on several factors including:
how many contributors in your congregation,
what they can realistically afford, and
desired collections so you can keep surviving
Payments from one-to-five years
No interest!
You will automatically be put into the "pool" of congregations receiving the Gift of Grace (unless you opt out)
If your church just can't make these payments, they will be completely forgiven (although every effort will be made to ensure they can)
Grow+Small Church Consulting accepts donations. 20% of these donations are gathered and distributed to a randomly selected congregation within the Closing, Not Quitting churches working with Grow+Small Church Consulting. If no Closing, Not Quitting churches are available, the Gift is available to all congregations who connect with Grow+Small.
Planning, Reorganizing, & Social Enterprise
Remote workshops = $500/person/day + expenses* (minimum 3 people, 4-8 hours)
Onsite workshops = $1000/person/day + expenses* (minimum 3 people, 4-8 hours)
Remote consulting = $200/hr
Package/Retainer Rate = $5000/mo up to 40 hours of consulting (almost half price!)
Expenses include costs beyond basic materials (e.g. parking expenses, admission fees), mileage at the current IRS rate, flight costs, lodging, and a per diem of $100. Expenses may be lowered by providing transportation, lodging (requires WiFi), and meals.
You are special. You are at the heart of my calling at Grow+Small Church Consulting. Together, we will find a way. You CAN be church!
Note on Pricing
If you are assisted by your denomination, your price will be the first one listed. If you are paying your own way, your price will be the second one. The second price is always slightly less than half price. Example Price: $800 / $375.
Closing, Not Quitting: The Webinars
Introduction to Closing, Not Quitting = $375 / $160 per person (minimum 3 people) - 2 hour session
Finances in Closing, Not Quitting = $560 / $250 per person (minimum 3 people) - 3 hour session
Worship in Closing, Not Quitting = $560 / $250 per person (minimum 3 people) - 3 hour session
Closer Community in Closing, Not Quitting = $560 / $250 per person (minimum 3 people) - 3 hour session
Danger! in Closing, Not Quitting = $560 / $250 per person (minimum 3 people) - 3 hour session
Coming Back Strong in Closing, Not Quitting = $560 / $250 per person (minimum 3 people) - 3 hour session
Closing, Not Quitting: Consulting
$200 / $100 per hour
$5000 / $2500 per month Package/Retainer (up to 40 hours/mo of consulting - what a deal!)
Data Review of Denominational (or other) Assessment/Analysis: $200
Assessment of Recent Data (minimum 12 months, maximum 24 months): $400
Assessment of Longer Term Data (minimum 36 months, maximum 60 months): $600
Asset Assessment (for Social Enterprise clients): $300
Note: Assessments are FREE when consulting/project management services are selected. Deep discounts for Closing, Not Quitting.
No required packages. Choose as much or as little as you wish. ​
$95/hr per person
Group Coaching
$50/person with 3 person minimum
$35/person for groups between 6 and 12 people