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I’ve pulled small businesses out of the fire for many years.  I've worked with churches and in ministry at the same time.
Now I’m pulling shrinking churches out of the fire.  
Grow+Small Church Consulting is a powerful and timely ministry to which I am uniquely called.

About: About


My primary motivation for my entire life has been: "there has got to be a better way to live."  To address this, I've learned everything I can about human beings, and about how human beings operate best.  I spent my life researching biology, linguistics, history, archaeology, philosophy, business, religions, theology, sociology, and anthropology.  Even most of my hobbies and recreation address the issue. 


Why religion?  Rather than go into a long academic explanation, let me just say that I've found religious traditions to encapsulate the entirety of a culture, how that society operates best as a whole, and how individuals (should ideally) live within it.  In short, I see that religious traditions are humanity's way of addressing the problem, "there has got to be a better way to live."  


Why small, struggling mainline churches?  I do not look into a crystal ball to see how the next few years will impact mainline churches.  It's not mere speculation to determine that they are the most fragile denominations in North America in the face of rapid change.  My reflections on the situation come from decades of rigorous and continuous focus.  I am an expert in culture, culture change, religions in general, Christianity in particular, small business, and how human beings operate together.  Mainline churches have the deepest theological roots, the most effective communities (in recent history), and yet are in very real danger of becoming extinct in the next 25 years.  


Why Grow+Small Church Consulting?  I am committed to nothing short of saving the small, struggling church.  The next fifteen years will be critical, but I forecast a "settling down" period after the next 20+ years of rapid change.  If your church can survive for one more generation, societal and denominational structures will have time to change enough so your small church "fits" again into the broader context.  Furthermore, churches with solid theology and authentic community who live within their means (even saving and investing funds!) will naturally attract new members.  When you accept smallness, you grow.  Jesus had a few things to say about this.


I am a pastor.  I am a business person.  I am an academic.  I am a creator.  


I created practical and concrete services for you in Grow+Small Church Consulting.  Not cookie-cutter or method-driven proprietary techniques... but genuine services drawn from deep knowledge and experience.  


For you.  Yes, you.  Lay leaders, lay people, baffled clergy, those who want to keep being church amid fear and change.  You.  


There is a way.  Let's find it together.

About: Text



Alice comes from a family of strong military service and higher education in math, medicine, and business.  She studied biology until college and changed focus to social science, religion, and business.  A natural leader, innately adventurous, deeply spiritual, and dedicated to improving human life, Alice traveled extensively serving others and excelling at everything she turned her focus upon.  


Alice has a heart for healthy community and animals of all sorts and sizes.  Strongly creative, her hobbies often involve making and/or imagining things.  


Consultant, Controller, Accountant, Tier One IT Technician, CFO, CEO, Business Manager, Executive Director, Program Designer, Programs Director, Project Manager, Professor, Trainer, Writer, Creator, Leader, Change Agent, Pastor, Preacher, Speaker, Academic, Researcher, Anthropologist, Peace Corps Volunteer, Youth Minister, and much more.


  • 2020 Certified Project Manager

  • 2013 Education for Ministry

  • 2010 Stephen Minister

  • 2006 MBA

  • 1999-2000 Ph.D.-level coursework in Anthropology

  • 1997 MA Anthropology

  • 1991 BA Anthropology



Stewart, Alice J. 2022 - Flock of Shepherds: Book One (fiction, published for Kindle)


Stewart, Alice J. 2013 - Resurrection (fiction, published for Kindle and Nook)


Hughes, David T., and Alice J. Stewart 1997 Traditional Use of Pipestone National Monument: Ethnographic Resources of Pipestone National Monument. Report produced for the National Park Service, Midwest Region, Omaha, Nebraska.


1997 - “Sacralizing Space," 55th Annual Plains Anthropological Conference, Boulder, CO (written and presented)


1997 - “Semiosis & Sacred Space," Semiotic Society of America Annual Conference, Louisville, KY (written and presented)


1997 - “The Sacrificial Uses of Tobacco at Pipestone National Monument," Thesis in partial fulfillment of Master's Degree at Wichita State University, KS (written and defended)


Researcher for: Hughes, David T. 1995 Perceptions of the Sacred: A Review of Selected Native American Groups and Their Relationships with the Catlinite Quarries. Report produced for the National Park Service, Midwest Region, Omaha, Nebraska.

About: CV
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